I have come close to second on Bakaara in Demolition, I was going 20-0 with a PP90M1 and Acr 6.8 both silenced. At the time my heart was pounding and my hands so sweaty! It was a tense time. I must admit I didn’t use just the LMG I ran out of ammo and picked up my mates ACR 6.8 with silencer, which got most the kills. Specialist Stricke Package- Slight Of Hand, Quick Draw, Scavanger I achieved it on the map Interchange (Not my favourite map!) on Kill Confirmed using the Specialist Kill-streak reward. A couple of weeks ago, after Christmas I got my first ever MOAB (Mother Of All Bombs/Massive Ordinance Air Blast) and I can tell you it’s a non-nucular weapon.